Banking Credit Card Spend Prediction and Identify Drivers for Spends

Business Problem:

One of the global banks would like to understand what factors driving credit card spend are. The bank want use these insights to calculate credit limit. In order to solve the problem, the bank conducted survey of 5000 customers and collected data.

The objective of this case study is to understand what’s driving the total spend (Primary Card + Secondary card). Given the factors, predict credit limit for the new applicants.

Data Availability:

  • Data for the case are available in xlsx format.
  • The data have been provided for 5000 customers.
  • Detailed data dictionary has been provided for understanding the data in the data.
  • Data is encoded in the numerical format to reduce the size of the data however some of the variables are categorical. You can find the details in the data dictionary

Let’s develop a machine learning model for further analysis.

Store Sales Prediction – Forecasting

Business Context:

The objective is predicting store sales using historical markdown data. One challenge of modelling retail data is the need to make decisions based on limited history. If Christmas comes but once a year, so does the chance to see how strategic decisions impacted the bottom line.

Business Problem:

Company provided with historical sales data for 45 Walmart stores located in different regions. Each store contains a number of departments, and you are tasked with predicting the department-wide sales for each store.

In addition, Walmart runs several promotional markdown events throughout the year. These markdowns precede prominent holidays, the four largest of which are the Super Bowl, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The weeks including these holidays are weighted five times higher in the evaluation than non-holiday weeks. Part of the challenge presented by this competition is modelling the effects of markdowns on these holiday weeks in the absence of complete/ideal historical data.

Data Availability:

stores.csv: This file contains anonymized information about the 45 stores, indicating the type and size of store.

train.csv: This is the historical training data, which covers to 2010-02-05 to 2012-11- 01, Within this file you will find the following fields:

  • Store – the store number
  • Dept – the department number
  • Date – the week
  • Weekly_Sales – sales for the given department in the given store
  • IsHoliday – whether the week is a special holiday week

test.csv: This file is identical to train.csv, except we have withheld the weekly sales. You must predict the sales for each triplet of store, department, and date in this file.

features.csv: This file contains additional data related to the store, department, and regional activity for the given dates. It contains the following fields:

  • Store – the store number
  • Date – the week
  • Temperature – average temperature in the region
  • Fuel_Price – cost of fuel in the region
  • MarkDown1-5 – anonymized data related to promotional markdowns that Walmart is running. MarkDown data is only available after Nov 2011, and is not available for all stores all the time. Any missing value is marked with an NA.
  • CPI – the consumer price index
  • Unemployment – the unemployment rate
  • IsHoliday – whether the week is a special holiday week

Let’s develop a machine learning model for further analysis.

Linear Regression-Theory

Linear regression is a supervised machine learning technique where we need to predict a continuous output, which has a constant slope.

There are two main types of linear regression:

1. Simple Regression:

Through simple linear regression we predict response using single features.

If you recall, the line equation (y = mx + c) we studied in schools. Let’s understand what these parameters say and how this equation works in linear regression.

Y = βo + β1X + ∈

Where, Y = Dependent Variable ( This is the variable which we want to predict )

            X = Independent Variable ( This is the variable which we use to make prediction )

            βo – This is the intercept term. It is the prediction value you get when X = 0

            β1 – This is the slope term. It explains the change in Y when X changes by 1 unit.

∈ – This represents the residual value, i.e. the difference between actual and predicted values.

2. Multivariable regression:

It is nothing but extension of simple linear regression. It attempts to model the relationship between two or more features and a response by fitting a linear equation to observed data.

Multi variable linear equation might look like this, where w represents the coefficients, or weights, our model will try to learn.


Let’s understand it with example.

In a company for sales predictions, these attributes might include a company’s advertising spend on radio, TV, and newspapers.


Linear Regression geometrical representation

So our goal in linear regression model is:

Find a line or plane that best fits the data points. Here best fit means minimise the sum of errors across our training data.

Types of Deliverable in linear regression:

Typically there are following questions that a business wanted to know

  1. They wanted to know their sales or profit prediction.
  2. Drivers(What drives the sales?)
    • All variable that have significant beta.
    • Which factors are detrimental /incremental?
    •  All the drivers, which one should target first?(Variable with highest absolute value)
  3. How to predict drivers?
    • To answer this question, you need calculate (beta*X )for each X variable and you need to choose the highest value and accordingly you can choose your driver after that convince business why you have chosen the particular driver.

So now the question arises how we calculate Beta values?

To calculate the beta values we will use OLS(ordinary least squared) method.

Assumptions of Linear Regression:

1. X variables (Explanatory variable) should be linearly related to Y (Response Variable):


If you plot a scatter plot between x variable and Y, most of the data point should be around the straight line.

How to check?

Draw the scatter plot between each x variable and y variable.

What happens if the assumption is violated?

MSE(Mean Squared Error) will be high. MSE is nothing but the average of squared error occurred between the predicted values and actual values. It can be written as:

Linear Regression in Machine Learning


N=Total number of observation
Yi = Actual value
(a1xi+a0)= Predicted value.

What to do if variable is not linear?

  • Drop the variable – But in this case will loose the information.
  • Take log(x+1) of x variables. 

2.Residual or the Y variable should be normally distributed:


Residuals (errors) or Y, when plotted in a histogram produces a bell shaped curve.

Residuals: The distance between the actual value and predicted values is called residual. If the observed points are far from the regression line, then the residual will be high, and so cost function will high. If the scatter points are close to the regression line, then the residual will be small and hence the cost function.

How to check?

Plot a histogram of Y, when plotted histogram produces a bell- shaped curve then it follows normality.

Or we can also use  q-q plot(quantile- quantile plot) of residuals

What happens if the assumption is violated?

It means all the P values has been calculated wrongly.

What to do if assumption is violated?

In that case we need to transform our Y such a way so that it become normal. To do that we need to use log of Y.

3.There should not be any relationship between X variables (i.e no multicollinearity)


X variable should not have any linear relationship between themselves. It’s obvious that we don’t want same information in repeat mode.

How to check?

  1. Calculate correlation between every X with every other X variable.
  2. Second method is to, calculate VIF(Variance influence factor)

What happens if the assumption is violated?

Your beta’s values sign will fluctuate.

What to do if assumption is violated?

Drop those X variable whose VIF is greater than 10(VIF>10)

4. The variance of error should remain constant over value of Y (Homoscedasticity/ No heteroskedasticity )


Spread of residuals should remain constant with values of Y.

How to check?

Draw scatter plot of residuals VS Y.

What happens if the assumption is violated?

Your P value will not accurate.

What to do if assumption is violated?

In that case we need to transform our Y such a way so that it become normal. To do that we need to use log of Y.

5. There should not be any auto-correlation between the residuals.


Correlation of residuals with lead residuals. Here lead residuals means next calculated residual.

How to check?

Use DW stats(Durbin Watson Stats)

            If DW stats ~ 2, then no auto correlation.

What happens if the assumption is violated?

Your P value will not accurate.

What to do if assumption is violated?

Understand the reason why it is happening?

If autocorrelation is due to Y then cannot build linear regression model.

If autocorrelation is due to X then drop that X variable.

How to check Model Performance?

The Goodness of fit determines how the line of regression fits the set of observations. The process of finding the best model out of various models is called optimization. It can be achieved by below method:

R-squared method:

  • R-squared is a statistical method that determines the goodness of fit.
  • It measures the strength of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables on a scale of 0-100%.
  • The high value of R-square determines the less difference between the predicted values and actual values and hence represents a good model.
  • It is also called a coefficient of determination, or coefficient of multiple determination for multiple regression.
  • It can be calculated from the below formula:
Linear Regression in Machine Learning

In the next lecture we will see how to implement leaner regression in python.

Linear regression with python

Company Objective:

Let’s suppose You just got some contract work with an Ecommerce company based in New York City that sells clothing online but they also have in-store style and clothing advice sessions. Customers come in to the store, have sessions/meetings with a personal stylist, then they can go home and order either on a mobile app or website for the clothes they want.

The company is trying to decide whether to focus their efforts on their mobile app experience or their website. They’ve hired you on contract to help them figure it out! Let’s get started!

Just follow the steps below to analyze the customer data (it’s fake, don’t worry I didn’t give you real credit card numbers or emails ). Click here to download

Click here to download .ipnyb notebook

Linear Regression Interview Questions and Answers

What is linear regression?

In simple terms, linear regression is a method of finding the best straight line fitting to the given data, i.e. finding the best linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

In technical terms, linear regression is a machine learning algorithm that finds the best linear-fit relationship on any given data, between independent and dependent variables. It is mostly done by the Sum of Squared Residuals Method.

To Know more about linear regression Click Here

What are the important assumptions of Linear regression?

Following are the assumptions

  • A linear Relationship – Firstly, there has to be a linear relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. To check this relationship, a scatter plot proves to be useful.
  • Restricted Multi-collinearity value – Secondly, there must no or very little multi-collinearity between the independent variables in the dataset. The value needs to be restricted, which depends on the domain requirement.
  • Homoscedasticity – The third is the homoscedasticity. It is one of the most important assumptions which states that the errors are equally distributed. To Know more about assumption click here

What is heteroscedasticity?

Heteroscedasticity is exactly the opposite of homoscedasticity, which means that the error terms are not equally distributed. To correct this phenomenon, usually, a log function is used.

What is the difference between R square and adjusted R square?

R square and adjusted R square values are used for model validation in case of linear regression. R square indicates the variation of all the independent variables on the dependent variable. I.e. it considers all the independent variable to explain the variation. In the case of Adjusted R squared, it considers only significant variables (P values less than 0.05) to indicate the percentage of variation in the model. To know more about R square and adjusted R square click here.

Can we use linear regression for time series analysis?

One can use linear regression for time series analysis, but the results are not promising. So, it is generally not advisable to do so. The reasons behind this are.

  1. Time series data is mostly used for the prediction of the future, but linear regression seldom gives good results for future prediction as it is not meant for extrapolation.
  2. Mostly, time series data have a pattern, such as during peak hours, festive seasons, etc., which would most likely be treated as outliers in the linear regression analysis

What is VIF? How do you calculate it?

Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is used to check the presence of multicollinearity in a data set. It is calculated as

Here, VIFj  is the value of VIF for the jth variable, Rj2 is the R2 value of the model when that variable is regressed against all the other independent variables.

If the value of VIF is high for a variable, it implies that the R2  value of the corresponding model is high, i.e. other independent variables are able to explain that variable. In simple terms, the variable is linearly dependent on some other variables.

How to find RMSE and MSE?

RMSE and MSE are the two of the most common measures of accuracy for a linear regression.

RMSE indicates the Root mean square error, which indicated by the formula:

RMSE-Linear Regression

Where MSE indicates the Mean square error represented by the formula:

MSE-Linear Regression

How to interpret a Q-Q plot in a Linear regression model?

A Q-Q plot is used to check the normality of errors. In the above chart mentioned, Majority of the data follows a normal distribution with tails curled. This shows that the errors are mostly normally distributed but some observations may be due to significantly higher/lower values are affecting the normality of errors.

What is the significance of an F-test in a linear model?

The use of F-test is to test the goodness of the model. When the model is re-iterated to improve the accuracy with changes, the F-test values prove to be useful in terms of understanding the effect of overall regression.

What are the disadvantages of the linear model?

Linear regression is sensitive to outliers which may affect the result.

– Over-fitting

– Under-fitting

You run your regression on different subsets of your data, and in each subset, the beta value for a certain variable varies wildly. What could be the issue here?

This case implies that the dataset is heterogeneous. So, to overcome this problem, the dataset should be clustered into different subsets, and then separate models should be built for each cluster. Another way to deal with this problem is to use non-parametric models, such as decision trees, which can deal with heterogeneous data quite efficiently.

Which graphs are suggested to be observed before model fitting?

Before fitting the model, one must be well aware of the data, such as what the trends, distribution, skewness, etc. in the variables are. Graphs such as histograms, box plots, and dot plots can be used to observe the distribution of the variables. Apart from this, one must also analyse what the relationship between dependent and independent variables is. This can be done by scatter plots (in case of univariate problems), rotating plots, dynamic plots, etc .

Explain the bias-variance trade-off.

Bias refers to the difference between the values predicted by the model and the real values. It is an error. One of the goals of an ML algorithm is to have a low bias.
Variance refers to the sensitivity of the model to small fluctuations in the training dataset. Another goal of an ML algorithm is to have low variance.
For a dataset that is not exactly linear, it is not possible to have both bias and variance low at the same time. A straight line model will have low variance but high bias, whereas a high-degree polynomial will have low bias but high variance.

There is no escaping the relationship between bias and variance in machine learning.

  1. Decreasing the bias increases the variance.
  2. Decreasing the variance increases the bias.

So, there is a trade-off between the two; the ML specialist has to decide, based on the assigned problem, how much bias and variance can be tolerated. Based on this, the final model is built.

What is MAE and RMSE and what is the difference between the matrices?

Mean Absolute Error (MAE): MAE measures the average magnitude of the errors in a set of predictions, without considering their direction. It’s the average over the test sample of the absolute differences between prediction and actual observation where all individual differences have equal weight.

Root mean squared error (RMSE): RMSE is a quadratic scoring rule that also measures the average magnitude of the error. It’s the square root of the average of squared differences between prediction and actual observation.

Difference –

Taking the square root of the average squared errors has some interesting implications for RMSE. Since the errors are squared before they are averaged, the RMSE gives a relatively high weight to large errors. This means the RMSE should be more useful when large errors are particularly undesirable.

From an interpretation standpoint, MAE is clearly the winner. RMSE does not describe average error alone and has other implications that are more difficult to tease out and understand.

On the other hand, one distinct advantage of RMSE over MAE is that RMSE avoids the use of taking the absolute value, which is undesirable in many mathematical calculations.


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